About the teaching
Mary Anne Campbell
Mary Anne is a skilled, observant and effective teacher and clinician. Credentialed by the Foundation for the Equestrian Arts as an instructor in classical dressage, Mary Anne has an international following and regularly teaches dressage across the US and in Europe. Mary Anne has the deep, old knowledge based in the literature of thousands of years of equitation, and decades of riding and teaching experience to bring that home to you.
Kathy and Mary Anne working with Kathy’s horse, Trinket
Mary Anne’s work is guided by the unique mentality of the student she’s mentoring. If you’re a ‘top down’ learner, you’ll find the theoretical basis on which to build your riding. At the same time, she’ll help your brain begin to integrate with your body more and more effectively.
If you’re a kinesthetic, or a heart-felt learner, you’ll be working in a movement, or a connection based series of lessons as Mary Anne will slowly help your mind begin to make sense of the interaction.
Enjoying people as much as she does horses, Mary Anne meets you where you are and helps you develop into the best rider you can be.
Mary Anne, training session on Trinket- Piaffe
The community around the work
French Classical Riding is all about connection. Over the years at the Snohomish location the work developed a marvelous community of friends and fellow riders, and that family extends to places all over the world, from Snohomish to Stockholm to Mount Gambier to Addis Ababa and more.
It’s fun to interact with real connection with the horse, and it’s fun to interact with real connection with other human beings too. Those connections continue though the farm is no more.